Monthly Archives: June 2015

Boston and Charlestown – 6/20/15

While down in Charlestown this morning to do a quick engagement shoot with a truly wonderful couple, I opted to take advantage of the beautiful early summer weather and shoot some pics around the area. A great day to photograph, but it came with an unwanted bonus: sunburn.

I need to remind myself again and again that I am Irish and thus need to douse myself with sunscreen when I venture outdoors between June and September. 😉
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Vanishing Into Maine – June 5, 2015

Somedays, some weeks, you certainly may feel the need to just “disappear” for a few hours or an entire day. Whatever the reason that may cause you to want to vanish for a short period of time to get away from your everyday world, you certainly want to make it worthwhile. I opted to head up to Cape Elizabeth on the Southern coast of Maine today. I wasn’t working and the weather was more than agreeable to get out there, hit the open road and just take pictures while getting some fresh air and sun. The following are a few images from today’s adventure, and there will be more coming in the near future. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the following photos.
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