Monthly Archives: April 2018

Boston Red Sox Vs. Baltimore Orioles – Fenway Park, Boston MA 04/14/18

A cold, overcast day. The perfect opportunity to catch a ballgame at Fenway Park! The Boston Red Sox made short order of the Baltimore Orioles today, and I was lucky enough to be there to see it. Below are some images from the game. I only wish the protective netting didn’t interfere with the images. But then again, I would rather have that inconvenience than be hit with a foul ball or bat.


Finding Beauty in the Never-ending Winter

Miss me?

I have to apologize for a lack of posting over the past few months. The seemingly endless cold weather in New England so far this year is enough to make one just stay home and hibernate when one can. But as the weather finally begins to warm up -it’s gonna be in the 50s this weekend!- and the days get longer, the desire to get out, wander around and take some pics of New England in the “Spring” will continue to grow. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the few pics I have snapped over the past couple of months.
